The Comber Show by Eleanor Burgess
The Comber show is run by The Comber and District Horticultural Society and takes place annually on the 2nd Saturday in September. The venue alternates between the First Presbyterian Church Halls, High Street, Comber and 2nd Presbyterian church, Killinchy Street, Comber. The show enables people from a broad range of interests to bring their wares to the show to be judged and if successful, to win a small monetary prize.

I started attending The Comber Show about 3 years ago. As I walked into the show for
the first time I saw the most impressive flowers, fruit, vegetables, eggs, craft items, home baking, preserves and much more. The colours and smells were breath-taking…I was hooked.
As I explored more of the show, I walked upstairs and in a back corner l saw several tables containing items in relation to honey and beekeeping. As a new beekeeper I had to find out more about this section and if I also, could get involved in showing in this class.
I browsed the show schedule, Section 12 (listed below) which is the Honey exhibits section and is supported by our very own Killinchy and District Beekeeping Association.
There is a wide choice of classes to enter in this section and I would encourage you to look into the various classes, gather your courage and consider entering an exhibit. I can't begin to tell you how much fun you will have.
I know we have many talented people in The Killinchy and District Bee keeping Association, not only in successfully keeping bees, but in other areas such as Art and Photography to name a few. If, like me, you are hesitant or unable to enter an exhibit in the ‘honey class’ then why not utilise your other talents and interests by entering an exhibit of your work into another relevant class, with a Bee or Honey related topic. Think of the pleasure you will get from looking at your work being displayed and enjoyed by other people and maybe even coming 1st 2nd or 3rd in your class! It would certainly show that beekeepers are not only about bees but a very talented and diverse group of people with a wide range of interests and abilities.
This year, The Killinchy and District Beekeeping Association has been very successful in the Honey section I have included a few photographs of this year’s exhibitors and winners.

I wish I could tell you that as the years have passed I have achieved my ambition to exhibit in the Honey section of the Comber Show but alas my bees are hostile to this idea and refuse to donate any of their produce. My hopes are not dashed however as after all, there is always next year!
I have listed below alternative classes you may consider entering.
For the children involved in Killinchy and District Beekeeping Association, you can also enter an exhibit into the Comber Show, as described above in the Photographic section, Class 198, or for example class 200 ( listed below).
Breakfast for Mummy may involve a pot of Honey, extracted by yourself, class 204 (listed below)
Any painting or drawing could be a painting of a hive, a bee or other related bee or honey topic. Our young people have a far greater imagination than I have and I'm sure will come up with some amazing ideas!
Section 12 - HONEY
Class 100
A – Two jars Liquid Honey unlabelled 1) light 2) Medium 3) Dark
B – Two jars Granulated Honey, unlabelled
C – Two jars Creamed/soft Honey, unlabelled
D – Two jars Chunk Honey, unlabelled
E – One jar Liquid Honey for taste only
Class 102
A – Two Section Honey, unglazed
B – Cut Comb Honey (in a plastic container 4.25” x 3.25”)
C – One frame for Extracting
Class 103
A – Three Beeswax candles
B – Cake of Beeswax (minimum weight 340g (12oz)
C – Six Beeswax Tablets
D – Beeswax Furniture Polish
Class 104
A class for the encouragement of home and craft artistry. A display of Home-produced products containing Honey and/or Beeswax, each item labelled for information. Display dimensions must not exceed 600mm x 6000mm (2ft x 2ft) All displays to be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 different items containing Honey and/or Beeswax.
Class 167 – An amateur Painting in Oils/Acrylic
Class 168 – An amateur Painting in Water Colour
Class 169 – An amateur Painting in Pastels
Class 170 – An amateur Drawing in Pencil or Charcoal
Class 171 – Still life in any medium (other than flowers)
Class 172 – An amateur Painting of flowers in any medium
Class 173 – An artwork in mixed media
Class 194 – An action Photograph
Class 195 – My Holiday memory
Class 196 – My favourite view
Class 197 – A Photograph in Black and White or Sepia
Class 198 – A photograph taken by a young person 18 years or younger
Children's section (Girls or Boys)
Section 22 Floral Art (up to 17 years)
Baking and Handicrafts
Class 200 – Breakfast for Mummy (An exhibit)
Class 201 – Flowers in a basket (An exhibit)
Ages 12 to 17 years
Class 203 – Any hand-made Article
Class 204- Any Painting or Drawing
Class 205- 6 Tray Bakes (cooked or uncooked)
Class 206 – Best Dressed Fruit and/or Vegetables
Ages 8 to 11 years
Class 207 – Any Hand Made Article
Class 208 – Any Painting or Drawing
Class 209 – Best Dressed Fruit and/or vegetables
Ages Under 8 years
Class – 201 Any Hand Made Article
Class – 211 Any Painting or Drawing
Class – 212 One Decorated Biscuits
If you do decide to enter a class - GOOD LUCK and let us know how you get on!