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The UBKA Conference 2016

Friday 11th & Saturday 12th March 2016


The 2016 Conference brochure is now available!


This year’s conference expands on last year’s popular themes, bringing the best of science and practical beekeeping together.


We are thrilled to welcome a true legend in beekeeping circles. Tom Seeley is Professor of Neurobiology and Behaviour at Cornell University. His reputation for gold standard science together with his published work enjoyed by beekeepers and researchers worldwide makes his planned lectures a priority. His easy teaching style and passion for “all things bee” makes his four lectures unmissable.


Michael Maunsell Senior Lecturer from County Ofally brings us an insight into “The Drone”, he will explore the importance of the drones’ place in the hive.


The All Ireland Pollinator Strategy is the topic of conversation for Una Fitzpatrick. Una is the manager of the Irish Pollinator Initiative which includes our honey bee as well as the many other pollinators.


 Ethel Irvine (Senior Lecturer) shares her wisdom on swarming.Seasonal Bee Inspector Megan Seymour relates her expertise and practical approach to the brood diseases and the new threats in beekeeping.


Margaret Thomas‘s knowledge and commercial experience in Essex and Scotland can be applied to NI Beekeepers and should help us all master the difficulties of beekeeping in the northern regions. She will explain the importance of nucleus production for our apiaries.


BILL TURNBULL: TV Presenter, Author, and Beekeeper.Bill Turnbull joins us for the weekend to deliver the “Bees for Development Lecture”. He is a patron of this charity which works to promote sustainable beekeeping worldwide, best for bees and best for people. Bill has kindly agreed to join us at our Friday Social Evening. He will also act as Celebrity Auctioneer at our Charity Event on Saturday evening in the Dunadry Hotel, Antrim after our conference (details and tickets available on our website).



Microscopy returns after last year’s successful introduction.•

Skep making with Louise McClean will allow those attending to gain some understanding and practice of the craft.•

Billy Millar from Killinchy will demonstrate perfect hive assembly.•

A question and answer session led by UBKA tutors for new/novice beekeepers gives you the chance to discuss your beekeeping experience. Ask the questions on the tip of your tongue!



This year is a special partnership between BfD (Bees for Development) and UBKA Beekeepers. We have the pleasure of hosting the BfD Team with Paul Smith of Thornes, Chair of the Trustees, and Patrons Professor Tom Seeley and Bill Turnbull. For further details about this partnership and an insight into BfD please see pages 12 and 13.



This year the Cyber Cafe at Greenmount will be open for the duration of the conference selling a range of soups, sandwiches, snacks and hot and cold beverages.



Rooms can be booked on campus and there a number of places to stay nearby. Dunsilly Hotel are offering reduced rates for beekeepers goto: and use rate code: UBK2016.


To download the booking form


To book online at the the UBKA website

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